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Call for LIT Presidents 2023-2024

Submitted by sabrina.macklai on March 28, 2023

Are you interested in being the next President of the LIT Group? Two individuals will take on the role of leading the LIT Group to new heights! The role of Presidents may include, but is not limited to: 

  • Setting the vision for the LIT Group in 2023-2024, including what new and continuing events and activities you want to run for the year 

  • Hiring the LIT Group Team for 2023-2024 

  • Coordinating funding/revenue streams and determining the budget for the LIT Group for 2023-2024 

  • Maintaining and building upon relationships with our partners, the Future of Law Lab and the Centre for Innovation, Law and Policy 

  • Registering the LIT Group as a club (or the Lunch n’ Code series as a club) to receive Faculty funding 

  • Helping organize the annual Patent Colloquium with the Centre for Innovation, Law and Policy 

  • Organizing and running the Lunch n’ Code series  

  • Organizing and running LIT events related to the intersection of law and technology, such as debates and panels  

  • Creating and publishing podcasts on topics related to law and technology 

  • Soliciting and publishing short blogs written by law students on topics related to law and technology on our LIT blog, the Spark 

  • Setting up the LIT Journal, through continuing talks with the Faculty (for approval) and the library (for setting things up)  

  • Leading the annual LIT competition, a hackathon dedicated to the intersection of law and technology  

  • Increasing our outreach to the U of T Law student community and beyond, including other Ontario law schools like Osgoode and TMU 

  • Continuing advocacy efforts to increase U of T Law students’ exposure to law and technology, such as creating an Intensive course on the topic, allowing students to participate (and receive credit) in related moots like the Oxford moot, etc.  

  • And more!  

Note that many of the above activities can be delegated to and worked on with other members of the team, as per the Presidents’ discretion.  

To apply, please send us a statement of interest (no longer than one page) outlining your interest in the position, past involvement in the LIT Group, and your vision for the LIT Group in 2023-2024. You may apply individually or in pairs (if you apply in pairs, please note if you would also like to be considered individually, and if so, include at least one separate paragraph on your individual candidacy).  

Applications are due to by 23:59 on Wednesday, April 5, 2023. Preference will be given to candidates who have prior experience with the LIT Group, in both official and non-official capacities.  

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11-3:30  -  Jackman Law Building, 78,Queen's Pk, Toronto, Ontario, CA, M5S
12:30-2pm  -  U of T Law (J130)
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